Anson Gonzalez
In 1973 he founded, edited, and published The New Voices, a bi-annual literary journal that has published poems, plays, short stories, and non-fiction by more than 300 Caribbean writers. In 1974 he established a publishing imprint called New Voices that published a number of important books by Caribbean writers. The New Voices Newsletter was founded in 1981 and served the Caribbean writing community for 12 years by providing information about writers, literary competitions, grants, and workshops.
He has conducted creative writing classes throughout the Caribbean, organized numerous literary competitions and poetry readings, obtained and awarded prizes to writers, and provided scholarships to writers’ workshops. He has been awarded the Writers’ Union Writer of the Year Award (1988), and honoured for his services to the Caribbean literary community by the University of Miami.
Titles featuring Anson Gonzalez
- Artefacts of PresencePrice: £10.99
- Crossroads of DreamPrice: £7.99
Book reviews for Anson Gonzalez
- Crossroads of DreamPrice: £7.99
Review written by Suzanne Scafe, London South Bank University for Journal of Commonwealth Literature