Place of birth
St Lucia
Place of residence
National identity
St Lucia
Antonia MacDonald
Short biography
Antonia MacDonald was born and grew up in St. Lucia. She now lives in Grenada where she is a professor in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences and Associate Dean in the School of Graduate Studies.
Antonia MacDonald was born and grew up in St. Lucia. She now lives in Grenada where she is a professor in the department of Humanities and Social Sciences and Associate Dean in the Graduate Studies Program. Professor MacDonald writes on contemporary Caribbean women writers and, more recently, Derek Walcott and on St. Lucian Literary Studies. She has published articles in the Journal of West Indian Literature (JWIL), Anthurium, Callaloo and MaComere, and is the author of Making Homes in the West/Indies. She is the editor of The Fiction of Garth St Omer: A Casebook.
Titles featuring Antonia MacDonald
- The Fiction of Garth St Omer: A CasebookPrice: £16.99