Edgar Mittelholzer
He began writing in 1929 and despite constant rejection letters persisted with his writing. In 1937 he self-published Creole Chips and sold it from door to door. By 1938 he had completed Corentyne Thunder, though it was not published until 1941 because of the intervention of the war. In 1941 he left Guyana for Trinidad where he served in the Trinidad Royal Volunteer Naval Reserve. In 1948 he left for England with the manuscript of A Morning at The Office, which was published in 1950. Between 1951 and 1965 he had published a further twenty-one novels and two works of non-fiction, including his autobiographical, A Swarthy Boy. Apart from three years in Barbados, he lived for the rest of his life in England. His first marriage ended in 1959 and he remarried in 1960. He died by his own hand in 1965, a suicide by fire predicted in several of his novels.
Titles featuring Edgar Mittelholzer
- The Life and Death of SylviaPrice: £12.99
- A Morning at the OfficePrice: £9.99
- My Bones and My FlutePrice: £9.99
- Shadows Move Among ThemPrice: £12.99
- Corentyne ThunderPrice: £8.99
- Creole Chips and Other Writings: Short Fiction, Poetry, Drama and EssaysPrice: £19.99
- A Swarthy Boy: A Childhood in British GuianaPrice: £12.99
Book reviews for Edgar Mittelholzer
- A Morning at the OfficePrice: £9.99
Review written by Geoffrey Philp for Geoffrey Philp's website - My Bones and My FlutePrice: £9.99
Review written by James Ferguson for Caribbean Beat Review written by Charmaine Valere for Geoffrey Philp's website - Shadows Move Among ThemPrice: £12.99
Review written by Charmaine Valere for Geoffrey Philp's website - Corentyne ThunderPrice: £8.99
Review written by James Ferguson for Caribbean Beat Review written by Charmaine Valere for Geoffrey Philp's website