Place of birth
United Kingdom
Place of residence
United Kingdom
National identity
Trinidad and Tobago
United Kingdom
Mark De Brito
Short biography
Mark de Brito was born in London in 1963, the child of immigrant parents from Trinidad. He studied at the Guildhall School of Music, and received a New London Writers award for his first collection, Bigistong (Darengo Publications, 1996).
He is a published translator of African poetry and author of a libretto for a dance-theatre piece, Orunmila sought divination before leaving heaven, first performed in London in 2000 with Cuban dancers and Yoruba drummers. He is engaged in further research into Orisha in Trinidad.
Peepal Tree published his collection of poetry Heron's Canoe in 2003 and his anthology of diasporic African writing The Trickster's Tongue in 2006.
He lives in London.
Titles featuring Mark De Brito
- The Trickster's TonguePrice: £14.99
- Heron's CanoePrice: £7.99
Book reviews for Mark De Brito
- The Trickster's TonguePrice: £14.99
Review written by John Gilmore for The Caribbean Review of Books