Place of birth
Trinidad and Tobago
Place of residence
Trinidad and Tobago
National identity
Trinidad and Tobago
Rhoda Bharath
Short biography
Rhoda Bharath is a Caribbean author who teaches and blogs about politics and culture in the hours between night and day.
In 2002 she was a participant in the Cropper Foundation’s Caribbean Residential Writer’s Workahop. On the heels of that experience she pursued her MFA in Creative Writing at the UWI, St Augustine Campus and completed it in 2007. In 2014 she was shortlisted for the Hollick-Arvon Prize for Creative Non-Fiction.
Her debut collection of short stories, The Ten Day’s Executive and Other Stories was published by Peepal Tree Press in 2015.
When she isn’t writing or teaching she is actively involved in managing mischief.
Titles featuring Rhoda Bharath
- The Ten Days Executive and other storiesPrice: £8.99
Book reviews for Rhoda Bharath
- The Ten Days Executive and other storiesPrice: £8.99
Review written by Susan Wanlass, California State University, Sacramento for The Caribbean Writer