Roger Robinson is on tour with his latest collection of poems, book, A Portable Paradise. The poster shows upcoming dates.
Dates already done are :Uniqlo Tate Lates w/ Apples and Snakes. The Two Of Us Festival-Reel Rebels Radio , Stoke Newington Festival , Greenaway Festival-Totnes, Gill Scott Heron Tribute- Jazz Cafe Camden, Quay Words Festival- Exeter St. David, Bradford Lit Fest, Speaker Spokey -Brighton
Thanks to Speaking Volumes @speaking.volumes and the amazing support of the @aceagrams
Get in contact with Speaking Volumes if you’re trying to be apart of the tour, or see you soon at a venue near you!!!!
Pic by @naomi_woddisdesign by @theartisttable #poets#tour #books #peepaltreepress#readings #performance #aportableparadise