Sat 20 Feb 2016 11-4pm
No. 3 Planetree House
21-31 Oldham Street
Manchester M1 1JG
(entrance via buzzer marked number 3.)
0161 832 3777
Price: £15 or £12 (concessions & Inscribers)
(Book tickets)
An opportunity to craft your poetry with the award-winning co-editor of a new and exciting collection of contemporary Black British poetry. Under the sure hand of Nii Ayikwei Parkes create potential submissions for this new anthology with its theme of ‘Filigree’.
In this workshop you will be encouraged explore the idea, and respond in compelling ways to the idea of filigree - the barely present, that which suggests itself while lounging in the shadows; the idea of the fine, the unspoken essential, the intangible tangible. Through discussion and exercises, participants will be encouraged to see writing as a process, which requires the constant feeding of the creative imagination, as well as the acquisition of tools and techniques.
Read more about Inscribe's publications and the Filigree call for submissions.