
Ameena Gafoor

Peepal Tree Press is saddened to learn of the death of Ameena Gafoor who made an immense contribution to the literary arts in Guyana and to her role in setting up the Ameena Gafoor Institute dedicated to the study of indentureship and its legacies. We provide a link to al creighton's article in Stabroek News which celebrates the importance of Ameena's work.

Read al creighton's article at Stabroek News.

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Kwame Dawes named Jamaica's poet laureate

Kwame Dawes, distinguished writer and Peepal Tree's Associate Poetry Editor, has been announced as the next Poet Laureate of Jamaica. He follows Mervyn Morris, Lorna Goodison and Olive Senior. The post lasts for three years and the laureate is charged with both developing poets and a love for poetry in Jamaica.

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